Join a L2J Discovery Group & begin the life changing journey of Listening to Jesus daily. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Do you currently have a daily discipline of reading or listening to scripture? What is the main obstacle that keeps you from reading scripture daily? What is your preferred method of daily or weekly reading? Reading a physical book with real paper I can smell and touch Digital (Tablet, Kindle, phone, etc) Audio (audio books, podcasts, guided devotions, etc) I don't read or listen to books or scripture Would you be willing to join a weekly guided discussion group that meets for 60 min? In person before work, school, or family/social commitments (5am-8am) In person after work, school, or family/social commitments (5p-8p) Virtual before work, school, or family/social commitments (5am-8am) Virtual during lunch hours (11a-1p) Virtual after work, school, or family/social commitments (5pm-8am) I don't have interest or capacity for another 1 hour meeting I would be open to making time, but only if the group is run efficiently and adds value to my spiritual journey Additional Feedback or Questions Thank you!