Our mission is to create MUSIC and
MOMENTS that MOVE people toward jesus.

Two Eight exists to accelerate faith movements and empower recovery efforts through live music and event production. We help ministries, non-profits, and other organizations amplify their message and reach their audiences.

We call it “Music with a Mission.” As a team of mission-minded musicians and event production specialists, we partner with campus ministries, local churches, state agencies, nonprofits, and recovery efforts to bring faith, hope, and love to where they are desperately needed and hardest to find.

How do we do that? Great question.

  • We create music and put together teams that lead musical worship, and our clients include campus ministries like Greek InterVarsity, Athletes in Action, and Cru as well as local organizations and churches.

  • We provide event production services like sound, projection / LED wall, lighting, and program direction.

  • We host tours and festival events to serve Indiana’s addiction recovery and mental health communities.

  • We create media/film/video content that helps us and our partners tell their stories and connect with their audiences.

We’ve seen it look different at each event: the parent who decided to seek treatment for substance abuse, a college student who felt called to live a life of service as a foreign missionary, or the business owner who felt compelled to begin hiring men and women coming out of incarceration. Each individual experienced a ‘moment’ during an event where they found the conviction and courage to move into their purpose.”

- Eric Maitlen, Executive Director and Founder

how it ALL started